FaithfulFin Talk

Isaiah 53/Class 45 The role of the suffering servant

May 31, 2023 Juantrell Lovette
Isaiah 53/Class 45 The role of the suffering servant
FaithfulFin Talk
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FaithfulFin Talk
Isaiah 53/Class 45 The role of the suffering servant
May 31, 2023
Juantrell Lovette

The only description of Jesus in the Bible was not a beautiful one but a servant who suffered for the transgressors of our world, people like you and me. A role fit for a true King, the one who poured out his life to death, for he bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors

Who needs to hear about Jesus, the Messiah prophesied about in Isaiah? 

 I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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Show Notes Transcript

The only description of Jesus in the Bible was not a beautiful one but a servant who suffered for the transgressors of our world, people like you and me. A role fit for a true King, the one who poured out his life to death, for he bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors

Who needs to hear about Jesus, the Messiah prophesied about in Isaiah? 

 I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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Juantrell Lovette:

Let's talk about let's talk about money. Let's talk about sex. Let's talk about drugs. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about me. As talk about let's talk about we talk about you let's talk about me let's talk about us let's talk about the let's talk about wealth let's talk about green let's talk being broke living in poverty. Let's talk about black. Let's talk about white. Let's talk about how we still fight for rights. Let's talk government sex games and drugs. And let's talk about God. Let's talk about love. Let's discuss our feelings. Hey, y'all, welcome to a blessed to be asked, I'm your cousin in Christ. One tro Lovett, and this is bougie Bible studies. If you are new here, I'd like to welcome you to the number one Bible study class that you will ever come across. And if you are not new here, you already know how we get down as we dive into the Bible, and read a chapter a week, or a month or however so. But hopefully, I'll be keeping this week going. So we read a chapter a week, get up into the Bible, get into the stories, you know, just trying to get an insight of what this Bible is all about. Since it is very important in our society, not just religion, but a relationship with God, how important and impactful it can be on your life, to survive and and live in an everyday enjoyable life with the powers that God gave you? And how could you know that if you don't dive into the Bible's of the stories with yourself, and with people who are related to you through Christ, who love Jesus, who love Christ, who love the Lord, and who love our actual Earth, our planet, and so much stories into the Bible, that really just speaks value into life itself. And so I'm here just doing my job letting guy use me as a vessel to use my voice to read the stories for those who do not dive into the Bible. Or maybe don't pick up the Bible every now and then. Or have never picked up the Bible before, but will love to get inside the Bible of the stories and understand stories and read them and just get fascinated with what's going on in your life to allow Jesus to come in and do a transformative thing. You know what I mean? Like it's a big deal. Okay, so that's what I'm here for. I know, I'm like blabbing him along. But let's keep it strictly Let's keep it going. Today's class, we will be in Episode 45, which means we've been doing these Bible studies for 45 weeks, as I dropped an episode every week, or every now and then I know I've been gone for some time. And we are supposed to be visual. But unfortunately, we are not visual. So you just got to stick to the podcast for right now. Until God actually opened that door for me to go visual. I know I could be doing it. And I could be starting but I just step back and continue to do the podcast with using my voice only. As I am not ready to go visual and be consistent and committed to visual appearance of reading the Bible. So excuse me, as I had to backtrack a little but let's get this Bible study going. Today's class we will be in Isaiah chapter 53, which is a run on from last week's class about Isaiah 52 or episode however you want to say it where it just continues to carry on about the suffering of, you know, Jesus or what he looked like. So today's title is the role of the suffering servant. What was the role of the suffering servant, Isaiah 53 is going to break down for us the role of the suffering servant and as you if you listened to last week episode, Isaiah 52. It really broke down to us how it was given a description of the suffering servant a kind of introduced us to the suffering survey. And it was like kind of confusing because we didn't know if the suffering servant was Jerusalem, our you know Israel in a hole or if it was an actual person, because it gave us a description on it. But the suffering servant came to be to basically do what the Lord advise him to do. He came to use his wisdom, and he acted accordingly. So we wanted to have chapter 53. And it's just a runoff from 52. So you can read out of any version you choose to read on it and IV version. There is some suffering that I've been doing that I have not been given over to Jesus, even though he died for my sins and my suffering. And there's some things that I need to release on to the Lord that I've been battling with. So I hope you are here to have a releasing moment as well and get up into your Bible, get up into the story and just let God speak to you because He speaks to us all individually or she speaks to us or individually however you choose to identify your God. Okay? This podcast is for everybody. It's not just for Christians. It's for everyone who actually just wants to read the story of the Bible. It's very simple, but it's not so simple because people get so technical and be illogical and act like they professors and all this good stuff, when in reality, we all can pick up the Bible and read the stories and just see what the Holy Spirit is talking to us about and delivering the message to us individually. So if you are ready, I am ready to again. Today's episode is 53 of Isaiah. Our title for today is the role of the suffering servant. I'm ready. Who has believed our message into whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoe, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering and familiar with pain, like one from whom people hide their faces, He was despised, and we'd held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our sufferings, yet we consider him punished by God stricken by him and afflicted, but he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed. We are like sheep have gone astray. Each of us has turned to our own way. And the Lord has laid on him, the inequity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yeah, he did not open his mouth. He was led like the lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before it shares is silent, so he did not open his mouth. By oppression and judgment, He was taken away. Yet, who of his generation protested, for he was cut off from the land of the living for the transgressions of my people, he was punished, he was assigned a grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth, yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer. And though the Lord makes his life and offering for sin, He will see his offspring and prolong his days and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hands. After he has suffered, He will see the light of life and be satisfied by his knowledge, my righteous servant will justify many and he will bear their inequities. Therefore, I will give him a portion among the gray and he would divide the spoils with the strong because he poured out his life and to death and was numbered with the transgressors for He bore the sin of many he made intercession for the transgressors. And that is the end of our chapter you guys. Okay, let's get up into some more in depth texts about what is 53 speaking to us about what is Isaiah 53 actually saying, wounded healer, a great victory looks at first like defeat. Isaiah 53 verse three, He was despised and rejected by mankind a man of suffering and familiar with pain in at least 10 places, New Testament writers identified Jesus as the suffering servant. In one instance Philip corrects an Ethiopian official who wonders if the servants refers to an ancient prophet, CX 826 to 35. Isaiah 49 to 55 includes vivid scenes of the servants suffering predictions that find near fulfillment and Jesus death when the cross indeed this chapter reads almost like an eyewitness account of Jesus last days on earth, even though it was composed centuries before Christ's death, the physical description the only physical description of Jesus in the Bible is shocking. The servant had no beauty and majesty to attract us to him. He was like one from whom people hid their faces, and 53 Verse two and three, as this chapter foretells Jesus did not open his mouth to answer his accusers. At his trial, he left no descendants he was cut off in the prime of life and thanks to a gracious friend, he was buried in a rich man's tomb. But that was not the end. Because after three days he saw the light of life, why the servant die. According to Isaiah, the servant dies for a very specific purpose. He was pierced for our transgressions, verse five, I just want to kind of give a definition on transgression. And someone or something that transgresses violating a law or command or going beyond a boundary of limits, he takes on pain for the sake of others for our sakes, his wounds and apparent defeat make possible a great victory. His death sales a future triumph, a time when all that is wrong on earth will be set, right? Isaiah 53 forums and underlying foundation for much New Testament theology. For example, verse five of this chapter claims that the servants wounds heal us. The apostle Peter explains in this way, when Jesus died on a cross his suffering and death healed us of our sins, enabling us to live for righteousness. See, first Peter 224 convinced them proof. In addition, these detailed prophecies were recorded many centuries before Jesus birth offer convincing proof that God is revealing His Plan for the Ages through the ancient prophets. He has not permanently served his covenant with the Jews, rather out of Jewish roots, King David's own stock, he will bring forth a new king, one like no other to reclaim all be our life question. Who in your life needs to hear about Jesus, the Messiah prophesied about here in Isaiah? I'm gonna say Adi. Because I didn't realize or even understand that this was the only description of Jesus in the Bible. Now, I could be wrong. But this is exactly what it says right here in the guided tour of my Bible, that gives me a deeper understanding and breakdown of the Bible. I have a guided tour to actually break down the stories for me which we just got into the guided tour of Isaiah 53. And we understand that the servant the suffering servant was indeed Jesus Christ who died for our sins. Every wound on his body is a healed wound on ours. He suffered for us, we are the transgressors, he didn't have a choice. It was by God's will and His plan to give back to his people, we are His descendants, he had no offsprings. So those who believe in Jesus Christ, or his children are healed by the wounds that was afflicted on him. Ain't that something? Ain't that crazy. And now in chapter 53, a really describes Jesus, and how, what, you know how he suffered for us, which makes it for me, even more glorified to glory, him is like, wow, you came into the earth of the of the world, by God's plan to do something, you know, you were cut off from the world, and you did something to help everyone, every one I'm talking centuries on centuries, decades, and decades, 1000s and 1000s, and 1000s of years, this message still apply, that this person went through this for me, I, I'm happy to praise him, I'm happy to get to know that Jesus in my life, this so and me, I'm happy to declare I'm healed. Because Jesus already took over our pain, anything that's going to happen in our life, we do know that is already written out. I just hope people really do understand that there is nothing more or less that's going to save you if it's your time to go. Or if it's not, everybody needs to hear about Jesus, whether they are a believer or not, in any way. And anyhow, I'm not always, you know, talking to people about Jesus. I'm not always talking about Jesus to people. I really don't talk to people about Jesus at all, unless it comes up in the needed conversation that I'm having are less My Spirit just brings it bothered me. But I don't have a problem with talking about Jesus. I just know sometimes people don't want to know Jesus. They don't want to know what he did for us that he was a suffering servant. He literally took on our pay. He was familiar with it, his wounds heal us, which is a big deal for me. Because when I say when you say something like Oh, I can do all things to trees to Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Do you really believe that is easier said than done? And that's why a lot of us and talking about myself can think about the beautiful life that I can actually have. But don't know this depths to actually put it into a Minute Manifestation. Even though I'm equipped, I can see the life, I can visualize it. But I don't have the full tools to put into manifestation. If I'm not connecting to my higher source, I really get a kick out of reading the Bible sometimes. And sometimes, I'm still a little confused about it, because there's more in debt that needs to go on. So no more reading more time with God more practice on me opening up my ears and really understanding and listening and putting myself into the stories of the Bible, and maybe putting myself into the times of when these people are writing these stories and, and giving us visuals of what we can look for, I don't know anywhere else in the Bible where they give a description of Jesus. But here in Isaiah 53, we do get a description of Jesus. And it wasn't a beautiful one. It was a suffering one, he wasn't even recognizable, people hid a face from him, they despised him, he was very ugly, because they would they did to him. And his like, he didn't open up his mouth, he was innocent. He had no ill intent at all. This man didn't do anything, he had no wickedness again. But yet, the people still deal with a DD. And as much as I feel bad for what he went through. I thank God that somebody came in, went through the the hardship, of beating and getting killed and buried for me to live every day, like an enjoyable life. Because I'm only promised this day that I'm in right now. Yesterday is the past and the future is not here. We never know what tomorrow may bring. And it has a lot of worries of its own. So being right here right now, in a bread of the Lord, receiving what he gives me right now is a big deal. Because I don't got it figured out. I don't know if y'all got it figured out. But I don't got it figured out. I don't even have a clue. I don't even want to have it figured out because I'm going to always want and need to fall on the Lord, I'm gonna always need to look for him, if I got to figure it out, there's no way he's gonna be able to help. You don't be like you got it, which you need me for, like I will forever need the Lord. So everybody really do need to hear about Jesus, even about this description of how they described him in Isaiah 53. They also described him and 52 and say they described the suffering person all the way from Isaiah 49 to Isaiah 55. So if you would like me to go ahead and read the Bible, you know, go into the chapters, and really just get into understanding. So all you need is a visual to see how blessed you are. How this opportunity for today is really maybe just to have that conversation with God or to do something for yourself that she never did. You could be fixing your credit, you could be buying a new home, you could be starting a new job, you can be making amends with your family, you know, just whatever it is that may be today is the day to start that share, share the word that's in the Bible, share the words that's in the Bible, share Jesus with people, and not just by your words, but by your actions. You know, small acts of kindness really describes what Jesus was doing in his time. He was such a kind person, he healed many, like many he didn't have no foul things coming out his mouth. And you don't even know how that that could really just change somebody. I love to see acts of kindness that's done from people in the world. It just brings me so much joy to see people can act in such kind ways that we wouldn't they don't even know. And that's what it's all about. It is so important to share with one another the word of God to share one another. A pat on the back and appreciation and congratulations like that stuff really go a long way. Now, I'm not no preacher, I'm not a prophesy. I'm not somebody who study the Bible in and out. I've been on my spiritual journey for five years, and it has been a steady but one day at a time pace. I try not to go too far. And I try not to stay in the back of me or in the past because I want God to deal with me right now. Right today. I want him to move me through earth right now right today and connect me with the people that I need to be with it in this day, like I'm not in a rush for death. I'm just really anticipating and hoping that I just stay connected to the higher source. However you choose to identify the Lord, you know, but the concept of this story, the idea of Isaiah is to show us and to give us a visual of the suffering servant, the role of the suffering servant. What did he come and do he came is that it made an intercession for the transgressors, he made a way for weak and connect to God. Ain't that something? Like he came in interceded? And was like, Yeah, I got you got, which is amazing. So like, I just try to be mindful and careful about, you know, who I'm listening to what preachers I'm listening to are the words of the Bible that's being recited out and put on you for their own sake by people who really are not delivering the real stories of the Bible. You know, it just takes a small chapter, to really understand that God had a job, just like, we all have a job here, Jesus had a job to do. And it was God's will job, just like all of our jobs are in God's will. That's our purpose. And I struggle with it all the time. I always I am I living in in my purpose, am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing. And as long as I'm looking to God on a daily basis, I can say that I am living in my purpose, because I'm not in a rush to do anything outside of him. Or her Harvey want to identify, I'm not in a rush to do life without God. I'm not even in a rush to do life without even knowing Jesus, the person who came and died for my sins, like I want to know about the suffering servant. This is my first time hearing the description of Jesus and seeing it so Jack that he was already brutally beaten, on his way to the cross died on a cross he was already unrecognizable. So it really says a lot to me. And I really think that everybody needs to hear about Jesus, whether you from the Christian bible or not, because it could be a different name in your Bible. But the son who came to save us all, literally came and did a job and lived out his purpose in God's eye. And that's amazing. Any good D, it doesn't go unnoticed in God's eye. And I think I love that because I don't need to place all my good deeds out there for people to congratulate me. Because I know that the higher source is always always paying attention to what we got going on down here, always looking at our hearts, always lining up things and guiding us, especially when we look to be higher source. So it is such amazing to dive into the Bible, you know, when I'm able to and really just go into depth about the stories. And so you guys, that was our time for today, go ahead and check us out on social media. I apologize a year for not being visual. But it will happen one day at a time one step at a time, just bear with me but it's in the meantime, you guys can listen to this podcast over and over again. And check us out on social media at blessed v s on Instagram bougie Bible studies on Facebook, you can even follow my personal page at Legion underscore live if you choose to haven't really been active on social media like I want to I haven't really been in the mix of the world and getting on the rails and all that stuff. And, and it's not that because I'm not living in my purpose is really because I'm taking my time being patient with myself. Not putting too much stress in like pressure on myself. And really just taking my steps with God and making sure that my steps are being ordered by the Lord and not by my own self. Okay, so but in the meantime, you guys just hop on his bike as you'll be all right. All right, we're gonna get into debt, we're gonna get into deep visuals soon and it's gonna get real, like expansive of big things and more things and things to come and that time will come as I continue to walk in faith and walk hand in hand with the Creator and I just hope you guys do the same so So until next time, you guys I really appreciate you guys tuning in. But next week we will be in a whole new chapter. And we will just carry on the Bible study class until until out you know until things switch up so until they you guys I like to say thank you for tuning in. Until next time, I will talk to you next week. Bye I