FaithfulFin Talk

Exodus 20/Class 33 The gift of the ten commandments

November 09, 2022 Juantrell Lovette
Exodus 20/Class 33 The gift of the ten commandments
FaithfulFin Talk
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FaithfulFin Talk
Exodus 20/Class 33 The gift of the ten commandments
Nov 09, 2022
Juantrell Lovette

God gave us rules because his law is the perfect structure. But who am I to convince you of the commandments given to the people who love his plans? We live and learn and die every day; let today be the day you make way with our creator.  

I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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God gave us rules because his law is the perfect structure. But who am I to convince you of the commandments given to the people who love his plans? We live and learn and die every day; let today be the day you make way with our creator.  

I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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Juantrell Lovette:

Let's talk about let's talk about money. Let's talk about sex. Let's talk about drugs. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about me. Talk about us. Let's talk about we talk about you let's talk about me. Let's talk about us. Let's talk about the let's talk about wealth. Let's talk about green let's talk being broke living in poverty. Let's talk about black. Let's talk about white. Let's talk about how we still fight for rights. Let's talk about missed six games and drugs. And let's talk about God. Let's talk about love. Let's discuss our felon. Hey, y'all welcome to blessed to be as I'm your cousin and Christ won trial event. And this is bougie Bible studies. If you are new here, I like to welcome you to the best number one Bible study class that you will ever come across. And if you are not new here, you already know how we get down as we dive into the Bible and read a chapter a week and get the back end story of what took place back in the ancient times that is still vital for our lives today. Because the word of God is being preached all over the world and different languages and different books. And it is very important to learn how to maintain and gain and understand your relationship with God and just to have a relationship with the Creator of the universe is very vital for our lives to be able to live an enjoyable life today. Now, I do not want to take too much of your time. If you are new here, I advise you to check out the episodes before this so that you can get an idea of how these episodes go down. It's really quick, fast Bible study reading, I break it down, I get my own insight, I ask God to deliver his own insight for you individually. And we move in this world as cousins related in Christ. Now I am no preacher. So if you are looking for a pastor, preacher, preacher, bishop or anything like that, you may want to go check out another platform, or this platform is simply for Bible study. I am a child of God. And I'm very honored to walk this walk with relationships hand in hand with the Holy Spirit, God, Jesus Christ, and you know, just the Holy Trinity. And so here, I don't want to take too much time, you can read out of any Version Bible you choose to I read out of the NIV version, it was a gift from my pastor. And I actually just take this Bible and our journey through it and allow God to allow me to read the stories and break it down for you. So this week, today, class, we will be in Exodus chapter 20. Now, last week, we was in Exodus chapter three, and we encountered Moses and God when he encountered him in the burning bush, go ahead and check that story out so that you can hear it, it was really good. It was a great understanding how God puts you in qualifying positions that you may feel that you are not qualified for, just like what he did with Moses when he sent him to free the people from Egypt. But yeah, we already covered that story. So I advise you to go check it out. Now this week, Exodus 20, we will be in our title will be the gift of the 10 commandment. Now we've all heard the 10 commandments before we've seen it played out in movies, but how exciting it is for me to dive into really understanding the gift of the 10 commandments and what was given to the people back in the times when we were not even existence and what that meant to them people and what that also meant to God. So go ahead and grab your Bible. Let's go ahead and get this show on the road. Again, we will be in Exodus chapter 20. Again, you can read out at any version you choose to you can simply just listen follow along if you if you want to. But if you are ready, I am ready to and yeah, let's go. So Exodus chapter 20, the 10 commandments, verse one, and God spoke all these words, I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, you should have no other gods before me. You should not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You should not bow down to them or worship them. For I the LORD your God am a jealous God punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing love to 1000 generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments. You should not miss us the name of the Lord your God for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God on it you should not do any work neither you nor your son or daughter nor your male or female servants nor your animals nor any foreigner residing in your towns For in six days the LORD made the heavens and earth, the sea and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land, the Lord your God is giving you You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony against your neighbor, You shall not covet your neighbor's house, you should not covet your neighbor's wife or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey are anything that belongs to your neighbor, idols and alters verse 22. Then the Lord said to Moses, tell the Israelites this you have seen for yourself that I have spoken to you from Heaven do not make any gods to be alongside me Do not make for yourself gods of Silver's are gods of gold, make an altar of Earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle, wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you. If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dress stones for you will defile it if you use a tool on it, and do not go up to my altar on steps or your private parts may be exposed. And that's the end of our chapter. Really, really short, basically straight to the point he gave his commandments. He said what he said and it was like, Yeah, either you guys are gonna listen to the commandments or not. So let's break it down. Boom, right off the back as we jump into Exodus 28, the 10 commandment and God is live live. Let me break it down for you just what it is. God spoke these words. I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt. Remember, we I was up in Egypt, slaving not having nothing working hard being slaves to the people of Egypt? Yeah, I brush out. Okay, so I'm God. And I represent that. Let's just break that down right then and there. I need thanks for that I brought you out of the land of Egypt out of slavery. So you should not have no other gods before me. What did you have in another guy before me and I'm the one that brought you out of Egypt, after you guys did not want to listen. And it took a whole lot of me convincing for you guys to get up out of Egypt. And I brought you guys into the land, the promised land that I told you guys, so don't have no other gods before me. You should not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters below. Basically, God is like, Don't image me, don't put me in a box of what you think I look like hello to the people who think Jesus is white are the ones that think he's this or thinking that God like don't box me in with no image, boo, you have no idea of what I look like and what form I'm in. So don't put me in a form and an image form of anything in heaven, nor on earth or a are below because you don't you don't know what this is, you really don't. So you should not bow down to them or worship them for I the LORD your God and HLS God punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. Now, that's pretty deep. If you really think about it, God is like, Look, I'm not worried about it. But you guys are bowing down to the gods that are not me, and I'm a jealous guy. So if you dislike me and you got your own god, I ain't gonna say you dislike me. If you have your own god, you must be against me, because I'm the jealous one. And I say don't have no other gods before me. Not only that, but if you don't rock with me, that's cool. I don't bless your children or their children or their children, children and it just keeps falling like that. Why would God want to be associated with the ones who hate him or dislike or dislike him or don't have no type of acknowledge of his great work? Like, come on, it just makes sense. And I and I see what God talking about. I'm like, I'm on his side. I'm like, yeah, if you're gonna create a God of your own image, and you're gonna bow down and worship God of your own image, or what you think God is in God, I got nothing to do with you. I can clearly understand that punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who Hate me just kept a real buzz showing love to 1000 generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments shout out to my grandmother shout out to her grandmother and her grandmother and her grandmother before that just shout out to the our ancestors who kept the word of God in our lives. That's for all of us who grew up in church, all of us who had those praying grandmothers and praying grandfathers, and all of those generations before us who kept God's commandment, even though some of our family members had not knew the full understanding of God, because no one would ever know the full understanding of God, but keeping us connected to God in some type of way, shape, or form for when we do reach our adulthood life. And we want to find God on our own, we have an idea of what praising God feels like and look like based off our family who kept us commanded and kept us in church or kept us in the commandments of God. And I really do appreciate my grandma for that she was a praying woman, she was a woman of God, of course, she had flaws, and she made mistakes and things like that. But she prayed over her kids, and she prayed over her grandkids, and her mother did the same. And your mother did the same. And it just goes on for me, I pray over my kids and I do the same thing. I'm a woman of God, and just knowing that God is going to bless my kids based off of my doing right now. Like, I love the Lord and I install that in my kids. And even though they don't have the full understanding of what love is, and how to properly love the Lord, or allow the Lord to love them, the fact that I'm able to install this in them right now they will know that and God sees that and he knows that and so that brings me honor to know like you know God has blessed me in those areas passing that love down to my children the love that I have for him and it's just amazing so you know you should not miss us the name of the Lord your God for the Lord would not hold any guiltless who misuses his name he talking to all of us we are always putting stuff on I put that on God I put that on my life I put on everything you know, we always use misuse the Lord's name. I'm guilty of it. I know saying I have misused his name plenty of times and and wondered why, you know, I felt guilty when using God's name. God didn't feel guiltless for me. He's like, Ah, don't misuse my name. Don't you need to know me are going about your business. That's one thing I learned about God is He is straight up. He keep His straight up real with you. However, you may not like it. But the realness of God is just so sufficient. When it flows through your whole being. It gives you that connection that you need, like, yeah, me and God, we see eye to eye, I get what he's talking about. Remember the seventh day by keeping it holy, Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is the seventh day to the Lord and so on it, you should do nothing. Basically, the Lord God created the entire universe, the Earth that we're in, and he established everything in six days. And on the seventh day he rested. And so on that seventh day, he declared it to be holy. And that's where Sunday come in at. I don't know how the whole days of the week actually work with science and technology, and how it's all put in together with God from Monday to Sunday. But what I do know is when he gave these orders back in that time, these orders was very strategic for those times 1000s of years ago. And so I know how important that is for generations and generations to try to keep that that Sabbath day holy, especially to the ones in Egypt or Israel are in the Jewish communities and things like that. Even Christians, we tend to try to keep this Sabbath day and I think that's where Sunday come in at. But again, I'm not preacher, don't get me to sit up here. Villani all because that's all I know, preacher. Right? I'm just letting God use me. And so the seventh day, it belongs to the Lord, however you choose to do it, whether you sit at home all day, worship God, they can talk to him, you know, just be in connection with God. But it's very important to take out some time to have with the Lord, even if it's just a little bit of time, five minutes, two minutes, three minutes, one minute, whatever, however you choose to I don't know how your days is set up. But so importantly, I feel I find myself when I have to do something and maybe go to work or something and I find that I miss it or I miss my mark or something. I learned to not stress about things and I learned to take that time to actually go chill with God, I will miss work to have a one on one time with God. I will miss a party so that I could pray about something that's bothering me. I would literally dismiss my friends and family and not talk to people because I'm in talking and relationship with God and I'm going through motions with what what God got me going through. And so a lot of times I do dismiss myself in society to have this one on one time with God and I do that personally for my own sake. I'm not telling you that you should do this or what you should do. But I'm just making it known that taking personal time out to talk to God and whatever it is that you are going through our needs some clarification about having that one on one time with God is just super important is super important to your walk is super important to your journey, your purpose in everything that God has for you. So I really like that the seventh day is holy, you know, six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that within him, but he rested on the seventh day, therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land of the Lord. I'm gonna touch this subject for a minute, because for a very long time, I did not honor my mother, I didn't have a father to honor in my life. I didn't have my biological father in my life. But I did have a stepfather in my life who I do honor but to have a whole bigger parent in my life, I wasn't able to be having that and have a mother or father in my life. And my grandmother took care of me to honor my mother and my father, it took a lot of challenging times, it took a lot of disobedience, it took a lot of anger, a lot of war within myself, a lot of rage, a lot of disappointment, it took a lot of things that I didn't know that was kept it in me to come out of me to honor my mother and my father, I don't know my father. So I would just say, honor my mother, because that's the one who I had a strange relationship with. It was very unhealthy. It was awkward. It wasn't a mother and daughter relationship. It was very aggressive and negative. And I had this hatred for her for a very long time of why she couldn't just be the mother that I needed and where she was at, you know, why was I in a situation I was at and why she never took care of me and in his stay with me for so long that I didn't know that it was actually hurting me and killing me in an inside and it was portrayed on the outside. So even though people will look at me, and they would think that I had it all figured out the whole time, I was literally deteriorating. And inside, I was falling apart. And I remember just saying like, I want to have a relationship with my mom. But I don't know how because I hate her so much. I don't even know how to forgive her. And I remember, you know, just confessing this over and over as to God and just talking to him about how I feel, and about my childhood and everything that just I felt just kept me captive. And I remember God was just talking to me. And he started to allow me to release some things. And he started to cover me in love that was just so sufficient that I was able to now start seeing what love is. And I started to pour that love into the person that I thought I hated, which was my mother and to honor her, I never knew exactly what that meant. And I think people still don't know what that means to honor thy parents. It's not to give them anything that they want. It's not to give them what they did not give you it has nothing to do with that. But to honor them in the name of the Lord, to honor them in the same love that God gave you in the same forgiveness that God has poured on me over and over and over again. And it's just to honor them in that way. It's like I tell my mom all the time, as she reminds me over and over how I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her art, you know how her mother wanted her to get rid of me and all of this negative stuff that she was trying to install in me. So be thankful for birthing her. But at the same time I was angry because she wasn't around. I remember God actually speaking to me and telling me that he had a plan for me, and that the reason why I was here on Earth is for His purpose. And admittedly, at that point, when I felt that come over me, I felt Wow. You know, this whole time I'm angry at this person for not being my mother, but the whole time God actually just use her as a vessel to get me here. And the reason why I'm so protected and covered in the name of Jesus is because God's plan always be more sufficient than what the devil has for me. And so even though my mom was trying to feed me the negative things that the devil was feeding her to try to hurt me, God was able to sustain me grabbed me and comfort me in the love and grace that He had me here for a reason. And I remember telling my mom, I was like, Well, you know, you may have wanted to get rid of me. But I think God had a purpose for me because now I'm here and I'm able to enjoy this life with my kids and show them what a mother is no offense to my mother, but I didn't know what a mother was. I never had that experience. And so me being a mother was just all brand new to me and it's brand new to everybody. But you kind of get an idea of what motherhood is if you actually have a decent mother to help you out in this world. And for me, I didn't have that. And so God wanted me to know that I was not less of because I didn't have a stable mother that I still had to honor her but I had to honor her in the way that God allowed me to honor her Not like how other people are honored her are honored their parents. And so I had to learn that on my own. And so I just asked that anybody who don't have a relationship with their parents, I asked that God step in on your behalf and comfort you and give you a love and a grace and a comfort that is just so sufficient in that no earthly parent love can overcome that. And that's why I rely so hard on God being my parents, he is both my mother and my father, because His purpose for me outweighs and outstands the plan that my mother may have for me, she didn't know how to be a mother. But yeah, God gave me the tools and helped me learn how to be a mother. And so I'm so grateful for that, because I didn't know how to honor my parents. I was so angry. How do you honor a parent that you're so angry at? I took a lot of talking with God, a lot of confessing to myself a lot of breakthrough crying, a lot of just understanding that God purpose for me was not my mother, my birth mother's purpose for me to understand that it made me honor her the way that I should, should I say, and so yeah, I thought that to be very influential for me. And I hope that's influential for somebody else to know how to honor thy parents, because I didn't know how for a very long time, Honor your father mother so that you may live long in the land and Lord, your God is giving you You shall not murder. We all know this. And you should not commit adultery. And we all know this, you should not steal little sticky fingers fivefinger discount, there's no such thing, okay, five finger 10 Finger discount, no such thing you should not steal. And you should not give false testimony against your neighbor, you should not lie. Basically, that's what a false testimony is, you should not lie period, lying doesn't do anything but cause more problems, the truth will set you free. I don't care how a person like it or not, the truth will set you free, you will live guilt free, conscience free, the truth will set you free, you shall not covet your neighbor's house. Now covet means to possess something to possess, or to have something that's not yours. You should not covet your neighbor's house, their wife, their spouse, or anything that belongs to them, you should not look outside of you and covet anybody you should not possess or want anything of somebody's that do not belong to you. It's very simple. It's very clear. And to me is like I think that's an easy thing, because I don't want what somebody else have. I actually want what God has for me. And if if it's not from God, then I don't want it. Like honestly, it sounds easy, and it sounds good. But I'm really serious. If it's not from God, I truly do not want it if it's somebody else's in somebody else's life, whether it's their house, their car, their spouse, their work, their lifestyle, their everything, I do not want what somebody else has, I do not possess for what somebody else has, the moment that you do that you lose gain of yourself, you lose gain of what you should have and what God has for you. Why would I want something that belongs to somebody else when God has something for me my hands will be closed once I receive something of somebody else's but my hands should be open to receive what God has for me now I don't know how you do it or how you get now but I'm literally just speaking on me as we move on to idols and altars God made it very clear in his commandment don't create no other gods don't create and create no image of no other god I'm a jealous guy. Period don't create no silver no go no nothing. Don't do that. The Lord said to Moses, tell the Israelites this you have seen for yourself that I have spoken to you from heaven. So do not make any gods to be alongside me. God don't need no help. He don't need assistance. He don't need nobody else. He is the God that created the universe in six days. He doesn't need any body. Okay, we actually need him for anybody who thinks that God needs us I'm sorry you got it all wrong and twist it I'm here to let you know that is not the way it works. But then again, it's your own prerogative. You can believe what you want do you I have my own God to serve you could choose to serve these celebrities as Gods you could choose to serve these material things as Gods you can choose to serve money as gods. So do not make for yourself gods of Silver's or Gods ago he said instead make an altar of Earth for me and sacrifice on your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings your sheep and goats and your cattle whatever I caused my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you if you make an altar of stones for me do not build it with dress stones. It ain't gotta be blinged out I mean nowadays it can because you know that was back in the old days. You know nowadays God is basically like if you're gonna make otter for me you don't need to put no tools into it come to me on earth as it is for you with the fall it if you use a tool on and do not go up to my altar Olmstead or your private parts may be exposed. Now I'm not thinking he talked and private parts like our private parts on our body. I'm talking like our private person insecurities. Our private persons in our lives. Our fleshly private parts guy was like, Look, you step on the steps, your private parts will be exposed. How many times have you stepped in church without anything to say, but yet you were touched by the word are yet you don't even know why you were in church crying, or you don't know why you were so emotional when he was having a conversation with God or when he was talking to God, you don't know why you felt the strong emotions of sensitivity coming over your life like because when you step on the steps of God, and when you actually enter in the presence of God, your private parts will show straight up. And he not talking about your private parts like what's on our body? No, he's talking about our private parts, like our insecurities, our fears, our fake love that we have, how we covet people, our listing all of that it starts to expose on us and where you don't want to be exposed, you might deny what God is saying or doing for you. For me, I've been asking God to expose me. That's why my podcast is called blessed to be stripped, I am blessed to be stripped by God stripped me, God, of all the things that's not like you Yeah, I may be a stripper in real life. But God is stripping me in real life. Like that is a big deal for me. And I take that to heart because I never want my job or what I do for a living allow God to not do what he do for me, he can use me until I'm no longer usable by him on Earth. And that will be when my time is no longer here, when I can no longer be used by God to make note of what is going on in the kingdom, or what could go on in the kingdom. That's when God can take me and we'd be on our way. And I asked him to strip me wholeheartedly because I am nothing without God, my existence is non existence. Without God, I don't have a purpose without God. And whatever that purpose may be. He's allowing me to move forward with strength with confidence with power and authority to say, You know what my God said, I should be here, I could be here and I'm going to be here. And I'm not going to be here soaking and basking in my sin, because we already know that we can escape sin. But what I can do is be here, allowing God to strip me of all the skills on my eyes, all the things that's on me, that's not like him, and to use me for His purpose, and whatever purpose that may be. I'm just here to be used by God. And I know a lot of people don't think that it's ideal. But again, that's your business, you do what you do, I am not a preacher, I cannot tell you how to gain a relationship with God, I can't tell you what to do, or what makes you happy, and your skin before me and my household. We don't pray and walk in the name of Jesus, and God and the Holy Spirit and a holy trinity represent God in my house. So if you know me, I pray that you know the God in me, and I pray for all of my listeners to establish a relationship with God. There's a whole lot of quick money schemes. There's a whole lot of books on how to manipulate people. There's a whole lot of things out there that's trying to predict your life for you. I say it best and I'm gonna say it to the day guy call me home and nothing beneficial like walking this earth with God by your side, get a relationship with God. That's the first and foremost thing that you need to do anything after that that is for your life will be for you. Anything that is not for you will eventually fall off. But one thing for Schultz who thinks for certain I'm gonna walk this earth with God. And I'm gonna walk hand in hand with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ all over me. So you guys, I really appreciate you guys checking out today's episode. Send us messages to anybody that you feel that could benefit from it. Anybody that has a hard time reading the Bible or that just want to get a relationship with God and they just don't know how go ahead and send them to this podcast blessed to be asked. Also check us out on all social media platforms from Instagram, plus the BS, Facebook bougie Bible studies podcast go up on all listening platforms. You can check it out, click the link here and yeah, just keep up to date with us. You never know what I have in store for you. God is working something I can feel it. I just can't say too much because I know that the enemy is also listening to so until next time, you guys I'm your cousin and Christ Squanto with it and this is bougie Bible studies thigh